Damien Rice<O>

如果現在你是一個人,如果現在是凌晨三點鐘,如果你剛好失眠,如果你正抽完一支睡前煙,如果半個鐘頭前你喝了點酒,如果窗外還下著雨,那我建議你還是別聽Damien Rice。




聽Damien Rice的歌,不可能治療你夜半的心慌,更不可能慰勞你空虛的寂寞,一張像是呢喃自語的專輯,卻只能給你更多的孤獨感。

Damien Rice的音樂很簡單,就是一把吉他,一個人的歌聲,一點點弦樂,一點點打擊樂器,可是卻有很深的情感,那種不可能會被人了解的情感,句句痛到你心坎,逼著你落淚,逼著你面對真實的自我缺陷。


Damien Rice的歌會逼人。用一種很平靜的方式,逼著聽歌的人。

我第一次聽到Damien Rice的歌,是在電影院裡看「偷情」(closer)這部片,一開場空蕩的電影院裡傳來一個男聲,幽幽的唱著:”And so it is, Just like you said it would be, Life goes easy on me…”,然後我的淚就落下來了。


Music play。



太憂傷,不為別的,只為Damien Rice。

當我想自憐自艾的時候,我就會聽Damien Rice。

所以,千萬別一個人聽Damien Rice,也千萬別2個人聽,尤其不可以和情人一起聽,那是一種「痛」。


Damien Rice官方網站


Nothing unusual, nothing strange
Close to nothing at all
The same old scenario, the same old rain
And there's no explosions here
Then something unusual, something strange
Comes from nothing at all
I saw a spaceship fly by your window
Did you see it disappear?

Amie come sit on my wall
And read me the story of O
And tell it like you still believe
That the end of the century
Brings a change for you and me
Nothing unusual, nothing's changed
Just a little older that's all
You know when you've found it,
There's something I've learned
'Cause you feel it when they take it away

Something unusual, something strange
Comes from nothing at all
But I'm not a miracle
And you're not a saint
Just another soldier
On the road to nowhere

Amie come sit on my wall
And read me the story of O
And tell it like you still believe
That the end of the century
Brings a change for you and me

And Amie come sit on my wall
And read me the story of O
And tell it like you still believe
That the end of the century
Brings a change for you and me

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